the headlines: a coalition of opposition parties has been formed in israel to oust the current prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, from power. if it wins sufficient support in the knesset, a new government would be led for the next two years by naftali bennett, a hardline former settler. with 50 days left until the delayed olympic games are due to begin in tokyo, around 10,000 volunteers have pulled out over coronavirus infection concerns. japan has been struggling to contain a fourth wave of the pandemic, but organisors say they remain confident the event can be held safely. salvage experts are trying to tow a burnt out cargo ship away from the coast of sri lanka before tonnes of oil from its fuel tank leaks onto some of the country s most pristine beaches. the vessel, the x press pearl, is sinking after being badly damaged by a huge fire.
a coalition of opposition parties has been formed in israel to oust the current prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, from power. if it wins sufficient support in the knesset, a new government would be led for the next two years by naftali bennett, a hardline former settler. with 50 days left until the delayed olympic games due to begin, in tokyo around 10,000 volunteers have pulled out over coronavirus infection concerns. japan has been struggling to contain a fourth wave of the pandemic. organisers say they remain confident the event can be held safely. salvage experts are trying to tow a burnt out cargo ship away from the coast of sri lanka before tonnes of oil from its fuel tank leaks onto some of the country s most pristine beaches. the vessel is sinking after being badly damaged by a huge fire.
in israel to oust the current prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, from power. if it wins sufficient support in the knesset, a new government would be led for the next two years by naftali bennett, a hardline former settler. with 50 days left until the delayed olympic games are due to begin in tokyo, around 10,000 volunteers have pulled out over coronavirus infection concerns. japan has been struggling to contain a fourth wave of the pandemic, but organisors say they remain confident the event can be held safely. salvage experts are trying to tow a burnt out cargo ship away from the coast of sri lanka before tonnes of oil from its fuel tank leaks onto some of the country s most pristine beaches. the vessel, the x press pearl, is sinking after being badly damaged by a huge fire.
this is bbc news, the latest headlines. after days of frantic negotiations, a coalition of opposition parties signs an historic deal to form a new israeli government. 50 days before the start of the delayed toyko olympics around 10,000 volunteers have pulled out over coronavirus infection concerns. organisers insist the event can be held safely. nasa has announced that it is sending two new missions to venus in order to examine the planet s atmosphere and geological features. the missions are scheduled to launch at the end of the decade. though fly bys have been made since, nasa s last venus orbiter was magellan, which reached the planet all the way back in 1990. so why this announcement now? joining me now from sunnyvale