reality ,one where biden goes fromwrec a globalist wrecking ball thatki is , to a middle clas protector. it s a blue collaa r, blue change. we re seeing, yo cu know, anan economy where builders we built more in the last b two years since i ve taken office. ou the economy s growing at a solid clip.d folks, i hate to disappoint bid them, but the biden economican plan is working. it s working. who said government is dead in america? ali it s alive and well. just some are calling italling the unofficial launch of his 2020 four reelection bid. but it was just more of the same. it was lame acting that he lam brought to the state of the union the same thing. he s just an average. he s joe s really cares.. so many of you felt like you ve just simply been forgotten. amid the economic upheaval of the past four decades, too many people have been left behind wat and treat it like they re invisible. maybe that you watch from home. you wonder whether the path even exists anymore.yo
the fbi. now, congressman, aoc hadf analysis of today s hearing.s they ve dragged a socialformh media platform here iner congress. they re weaponizes theyco the use ofs this committee so that they can do it again. e heara whole hearing about a ty four hour hiccup in a righte rih wing political operation. that is why we are here right now. nocongressman, that will bean their refrain that, again, the the playing the kind of populous role that the americans have real the poput problems, a lot of t on out there. people need help. peopl ary ale focusedative on joe biden. that s the narrative they are trying to set. we re focusesed on the firstht amendment, the right to free speech, the right to to speandk and a way that you canuare. i communicate. commthisate. now become the public square. i will come back to sort of the fundamental question, why is the fbi sending accountsk ths to twitter and saying we think these violate your terms of twi service twitter? why are they doing that? i
how big o michael, how big ow big of a scandal is this?? if if this ends up true? i mean, how big is this? i mean, it s potentially a huge deal .e deal. and i mean i mean, it s i mean, he also seymour says inf i methathe also seymour says inf potentially could be viewed as an act of war. that s a ver seriouso y serioust to say when you re got two nuclear armed countries facing each other, it s potentially illegal. if it s an act of war,other. obviously, you need congress for that. so a ver for ty bihig deal . and it s also hard for this kind of thing not to leak. and it may very well have done that. that was something that hersh said that his source was there was great concern about get out, because these kinds of missions require a lot of people. and michaeleat , i should say that brigadier general pat ryder told fox news that hersh s story is , quote, utter and complete nonsense. but listen to nuland inst s the senate testimony. s this is just a few weekssens ago. i am. d