Dreaded by some for its sticky syrupy feel, okra's daily oversupply in local markets has recently led to new products and discoveries that make great use of its notorious viscous property.
Okra Banaba milk tea and toothpaste with calamansi seed oil are some of the new results of several studies
(Screenshot from DOST-ITDI Facebook Page)
The DOST-ITDI launched Thursday, July 8, the TekNegoShow Special Edition, an online business talk show aimed at attracting more technology adopters to support its endeavors and services.
The show is produced by the ITDI’s Technological Services Division, through its Information and Documentation Section.
DOST-ITDI Director Dr. Annabelle V. Briones said the special edition of the TekNegoShow will feature four technologies Salt processing technology, Abaca fiber-reinforced composite, Nanoclay production, and Biodegradable plastic; and their two newly-opened research facilities Multi-Industry Modular Innovation Center or MMIC; and Multiple Materials Platform for Additive Manufacturing Project or MATDEV Laboratory.
“We are hopeful that through this communication medium that more of our businesses will strike up interest in adopting ITDI-developed technologies and avail themselves of two new research and product development services fro