Abstract - Trade secrets can be protected in Italy based on different sets of statutory provisions. Such a structure places the Italian legal system at the forefront of.
WTR is a unique and timely intelligence service informing commercial trademark decision making by assessing the business impact of trademark law developments.
Rights holders’ innovative use of design demonstrates that in the modern market, food packaging is a vital advertising tool which is also eligible for IP rights protection.
The recent Decree No. 119 promulgated by the Ministry of Economic Development on June 1, 2021, and entered into force on September 9, 2021, amends the Implementing Regulation of the Industrial Property Code, and represents a progress in the harmonisation of the national legal system after the EU Directive No. 2015/2436 and a subsequent Legislative Decree of 2019.
Geographically positioned between Europe and Asia, Turkey is a strategically placed country, with a population of 82 million and a larger youth population