A Look Back: From the Archives
Jim Bridgman
Modified: 1/8/2021 1:41:00 PM
200 Years Ago
■D. Stebbins has received at his shop in Northampton a large consignment of Philadelphia and Wilson’s celebrated cooking, parlor, office, shop, and schoolroom stoves, of the most approved patterns, and now offered for sale at reduced prices to meet the exigencies of the times.
■Private School! Miss Whipple has taken a convenient and quiet room in the house of Mrs. Pease, where she will continue her school through the winter, and would be willing to have a few additional scholars.
100 Years Ago
■Miss Florence Berry, the industrial nurse at the Florence Mfg. Co., has returned from Boston, where she went to attend the annual banquet of the Industrial Nurses’ Club of Massachusetts. Miss Berry was one of the speakers and chose for her subject, “The advisability of changing cafeterias into dining rooms.”