On June 3, 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order to modify sanctions initially imposed by former President Trump regarding investments in Chinese companies with alleged ties.
The Pentagon on Friday released a list of 47 Chinese military-linked companies operating in the United States as part of American efforts to thwart Beijing's military-civilian technology "fusion" program.
Today, President Biden issued an Executive Order expanding U.S. restrictions on dealings in the publicly traded securities of Chinese companies. Today’s move amends Executive Order.
European Union EU continues to resist supporting the World Trade Organization WTO Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights TRIPS Agreement waiver for COVID-19 vaccines; and unveiled its alternative proposal on Friday. US to share vaccine supply with world
Today, President Biden signed an Executive Order (E.O.) to further address the ongoing national emergency declared in E.O. 13959 of November 12, 2020 with respect to the threat posed by the military-industrial complex of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). President Biden also expanded the scope of this national emergency by finding that the use of Chinese surveillance technology outside the PRC, as well as the development or use of Chinese surveillance technology to facilitate repression or serious human rights abuses, constitute unusual and extraordinary threats. This E.O. allows the United States to prohibit – in a targeted and scoped manner – U.S. investments in Chinese companies that undermine the security or democratic values of the United States and our allies.