QCOSTARICA For consumers to have clear information about foods that can harm their health, Costa Rica's Constitutional Court (Sala Constitucional or Sala IV as it is commonly known), eliminated a Ministry of Health circular that did not require a warning with a front label about the consequences. With this decision, products high in calories,…
QCOSTARICA The U.S. dollar exchange has been falling in recent months and this generates great concern in the food industry. This decline hinders the industry's ability to create jobs, making it difficult to forecast growth and enhance consumer buying capacity. Currently, the currency is quoted in the Mercado de Monedas Extranjeras (Monex) - Foreign…
El diario obsesionado por las primicias informativas y las investigaciones periodísticas rigurosas y profundas. Romper con el flujo tradicional de información existente en el país, de suerte que prevalezcan los intereses del lector sobre los intereses de la fuente