According to the Indonesian Employers' Association (APINDO), almost 1 million people lost their jobs due to layoffs in the first 11 months of 2022. The data is based on the number of unemployment claims filed to the workers' social security agency, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.
The Indonesian Employers' Association's (Apindo's) Economic Policy Analyst Committee Chairman, Ajib Hamdani, accentuated the need for the .
The Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) believes that in 2023, the Indonesian economy will survive and not experience a recession, disparate to the .
The Southeast Asian country s parliament passed legislation last week approving jail terms of up to a year for anyone caught having sex outside of wedlock.
JAKARTA – Indonesia's new criminal code ushers in a raft of new laws, including banning sex outside of marriage, insulting the president, and expressing any view that runs counter to state ideology. Among the most contentious articles are those that criminalise sex outside marriage with a punishment of up to one year in jail. Cohabitation between unmarried couples is also.