NORTHAMPTON More than 50 people gathered in Pulaski Park on Monday for a noontime protest against Title 42, part of an international day of demonstrations decrying the U.S. immigration policy that allows for the expulsion of asylum seekers from the.
NORTHAMPTON A rally calling on the Biden administration to end a two-year old federal policy that expels immigrants seeking asylum in the United States takes place at noon Monday at Pulaski Park.Jewish Activists for Immigration Justice of Western.
NORTHAMPTON Amid the snow, slush and sleet on Monday morning, the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was upheld with a standout in front of City Hall.Traditionally, the federal holiday is marked by celebrations all over the.
NORTHAMPTON A rally outside City Hall on Thursday marked the first anniversary of the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and pushed for measures to counteract what many of the demonstrators said is the ongoing erosion of the American democratic.