Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi, sometimes called lavender scallops, is a flowering succulent known for its scallop-edged, variegated leaves and colorful, bell-shaped blooms. Like other kalanchoe plants, kalanchoe fedtschenkoi spreads naturally and is very easy to propagate with stem or leaf cuttings. Here's how to care for this plant in your garden or home.
Ceropegia sandersonii, also called parachute plant, is a trailing succulent native to South Africa that's known for its unique parachute-shaped blooms. Ceropegia sandersonii is relatively easy to care for and can be grown indoors or outdoors. This plant thrives in well-drained soil, warm temperatures, and lots of bright light.
The Rojo Congo philodendron is a hybrid plant that is known for its luscious foliage and unique red and green coloring. Thanks to its lush appearance and low-maintenance nature, the Rojo Congo has become a popular houseplant among philodendron enthusiasts and houseplant lovers alike. This philodendron is a hybrid of the Philodendron tatei and Philodendron imperial red that was developed in Florida.