Ministro Wilbert Rozas sostiene que propuesta del Poder Legislativo atenta contra la salud de la población y de los ecosistemas. Comisión de Producción tramita proyecto de bancada fujimorista.
Es necesario que el Ministerio del Ambiente modifique el Reglamento expedido por el OEFA y emita disposiciones que permitan compatibilizar el compostaje en ámbitos urbanos.
The new Constitution of Chile poses a great challenge that Chilean society faces, but it can very well do so by becoming an example for other countries in the world.
We believe that it is possible to think in the long term in a process of integration or coexistence accepting cultural diversity and its consequences, writes Professor Peña Jumpa.
Indigenous organizations expressed support for a new Territorial Governance Facility being created to channel climate funds directly to the indigenous territories where they are most needed.