The new season of India's Got Talent has begun. The show has got a thumbs up from the fans and is doing well. As per sources, Nupur Sanon, Ravi Teja and Gayatri Bhardwaj will be gracing the show. |
The new season of India's Got Talent has begun. The show has got a thumbs up from the fans and is doing well. As per sources, Baba Ramdev will be gracing the show. |
The new season of India's Got Talent has begun. The show has got a thumbs up from the fans and is doing well. As per sources, Neha Kakkar will be gracing the upcoming episode of the show. |
The new season of India's Got Talent has begun. The show has got a thumbs up from the fans and is doing well. As per sources, Kusha Kapila will be gracing the show where she would be promoting her upcoming movie "Sukhee" |
The new season of India's Got Talent has begun and the show has got a thumbs up from the fans and is doing well, As per sources, Anup Jalota will be gracing the show where he would be coming and engorging the contestants to perform well. |