Growing up, Beatriz Preciado watched her parents struggle to support her and her siblings while they also worked to save enough money for costly immigration attorneys and application fees.
On Wednesday, Preciado, who has a work permit through the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), said she wished financial assistance could have been available decades ago to assist immigrant families like hers seeking legal advice and resources. I just know how stressful that was for them, Preciado said. Having these funds would be less stressful for people who already have to deal with so much on a daily basis, not to mention the language barrier.
259 2 minutes read
Dozens of activists convened on the steps of the Indiana State Capitol building at 9 am on Feb. 8, bearing freezing temperatures to protest the Indiana General Assembly’s attacks on the limited rights that tenants have in Indiana.
The protest, called for by Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis and supported by the Indianapolis branch of the Party for Socialism and Liberation and others, was primarily concerned with at a vote later in the day that would override Governor Eric Holcomb’s veto of Senate Enrolled Act 148.
SEA 148 is an insidious bill that seeks to remove the rights of cities and towns to pass local laws that impact landlord-tenant relations. Amy Nelson, executive director of the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana, told Liberation News: “This is a bill that retaliates against Indianapolis, but will have statewide impact, in that it takes away all local control of the landlord-tenant relationship. This is in response to Indianapolis tr