unbelievable. ftc so that s biden s ftc federal.cs you re goingsi to jim jordan sad the hearings on thursday. i m glad you re coveringring. absolutely. sean, thanks s o much.s is i am jim griffin. this is ingram angle from washington tonight. sabotage and smear a. that s the focus ofmear tonight s angle. now, when the press kept catching lbj falsely describingt the true state of the vietnam war effort, it became knowwar n as his credibility gap. repeated assurances of progress that didn t pan out only undermine support for the war at home. y well, fast forward now to present day where another credibility gap is eroding public faith in almostou everything that our so-called , oparties. saying, led by course, the establishment of both parties. last night, we blew open the covid lab cover up where politicians, health officials, academics, all lea refuse to tel the full truth about the origins of covid worse thanf that, instead of holding china accountable, these america
to program. ing especially so let s introduce you to thet first installment of what propaganda is pbs airing tonight. well, as republicansg in red states file bills to curb or end the gender mutilation of children, pbs took it upon themselves to advocate not for those kids, but rather warns their parents. that that trae warns transgender americans are beingg ,quote, targeted, but they see nothing wrong. and whaey st parentee ns liks are saying, our daughter is tens years old. she started letting us knows knw that she was transgender.er real really before she could even speak when she was about three years old. olshe started to withdraw and become depressed. we hav de been seeing the gender clinic here in indiana sincefour she was four .s now she let us know that sheer was transgender. huh that mother said before she