Nivesh was the son of a doctor couple, Naveen and Swathi. The families of the two students have requested the Indian government to help them bring the bodies of their kids back home., US News - Times Now
An Indian student named Uma Satya Sai Gadde has passed away in the US city of Cleveland, Ohio. The Indian Consulate in New York has said that the law enforcement authorities are currently investigating the student's demise. The Consulate also added that they are constantly in touch with Uma Satya's family in India. A police investigation has been launched to discover the reason behind his death, they said., US News News - Times Now
The 18-year-old, a first-year student at University of Illinois in Urbana, died due to hypothermia, Champaign County Coroner’s Office said in a press release on February 20.
After the death of Neel Archarya, another Indian student from Purdue University has been found dead. As per reports, Sameer Kamath, 23, was discovered dead in the woods at the Niches Land Trust on Monday evening., World News, Times Now