This topic, i learned that 80 of the latin American Children in u. S. Schools get separated from a parent in the process of migration. So i mean, thats a whole lot of kids that are being separated from parents, who are coming here, you know, as undocumented child immigrants. So definitely my experience is not unique, but not, theres not a whole lot of awareness, you know, or when people talk about immigration, very seldom do they consider, you know, that other side of immigration, which is the children who get left behind who later come to the u. S. To be reunited with her parents. And we dont talk about how immigration breaks up families and how, you know, it takes a toll on the whole family. So this is one of the reasons why i wanted to write about this. Because you know, its something that its an experience that definitely scarred me, that has really like shaped the woman i am today, and then also an experience that i think right now with the dreamers, you know, where the young undo
“The Final Solution” “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” “From the River to the Sea” There are many ways to show bigotry, prejudice, and hatred. It is another […]