Indian Police Force actor and Rohit Shetty s assistant director Mayyank Taandon has shared a pic of the filmmaker working on the sets despite being heavily injured. Take a look.
Sharad Kelkar, who was last seen in Rohit Shetty’s series Indian Police Force, has talked about how he wants to get out of his comfort zone and try diverse roles.
On February 2, as Shamita Shetty marks her 45th birthday, Shilpa Shetty took to her Instagram to shower her with love and blessings in the sweetest way possible. Explore it yourself!
Rohit Shetty who is gearing up for Indian Police Force release, during a recent event had an epic reply on being asked to name the better cop between Deepika Padukone or Shilpa Shetty.
In a new interview, Vivek Oberoi candidly spoke about dealing with stress, pressure, and depression while sharing a wise advice for his younger self. The actor will be seen in Indian Police Force.