Indian equity market fell for the second straight session today, tracking heavy losses in metal, energy and IT shares amid weak global cues. Sensex slumped 388 points to end at 58,576 and Nifty declined 144 points to 17,530. Tata Steel, Tech Mahindra, Wipro and Bharti Airtel were the top Sensex losers, falling up to 2.76%. Axis Bank, Kotak Bank, and PowerGrid were among the top Sensex gainers, rising up to 1.67%.
Indian equity market fell for the third straight session today, tracking heavy losses in index-heavyweights HDFC twins, TCS and Reliance Industries amid weak global cues. Sensex slumped 575.46 points to end at 59,034 and Nifty declined 168.10 points to 17,639.55. Titan, HDFC, HDFC Bank, Wipro, TCS, Reliance Industries Limited, and Power Grid were the top Sensex losers, falling up to 3.24%