Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not just the pradhan mantri,or pradhan sewak as he likes to allude to himself, but also a rashtra shikshak and rashtra bal mitra, a teacher and the youngster’s.
Both the binary accreditation system (accredited or not accredited) and the maturity-based graded accreditation (levels 1 through 5) will come into effect by December and March, respectively, following these reforms.
A satisfied teacher can contribute a lot to the well-being of pupils
The culture of work ethic rests on delayed gratification, hyper-competitiveness and the perpetual need to outperform what machines can do. The outcome is often disappointment and life dissatisfaction. Living in a so-called
Stressed-out and anxious parents seldom help children deal with the fear of board exams. If you are a parent who finds it difficult to stay calm as exam dates n
Conducting the Institute for Human Development (IHD) silver jubilee lecture titled ‘Why are kids not learning?’, Prof Banerjee’s lecture was based on a study he, along with his colleagues, conducted in 2017.