A jewellery store in Jaipur, Rajasthan (Purushottam Diwakar)
Earlier this month, over 70 Indian jewellers, mostly from Jaipur, were deported from the US for misusing their visas. They were also barred from entering the US for five years. They had been on their way to the Tucson Gems and Jewellery Show, being held from April 7 to 25, travelling on B1/ B2 visas, which are meant for tourists and short-term business trips. This visa allows the exhibition of products, holding business meetings and signing contracts, but does not allow the actual sale of products. The jewellery show was in many ways a crucial event, being held at a time when many other similar international shows have been cancelled. Though there are no figures to estimate exactly how much business Indian jewellers do at Tucson, it is a major event in the calendar of Indian jewellery sellers.