Hyderabad: "Pushpa" and Allu Arjun are virtually everywhere. And everyone gets caught up in the "Pushpa" craze. The fame of the icon star has risen to new heights. He's currently on the official Twitter accounts of the federal government.
The Pushpa-theme tweet shared by I&B Ministry stated that the country s fight against COVID-19 was ongoing and people should continue wearing their masks, sanitise their hands, maintain social distance and get fully vaccinated.
The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Wednesday shared a cheeky meme modelled on superstar Allu Arjun's blockbuster "Pushpa: The Rise" to reiterate Covid-19 appropriate behaviour. The picture, posted by the ministry's Twitter page '#IndiaFightsCorona @COVIDNewsByMIB' which shares updates on Covid-19, featured Arjun's titular character wearing a photoshopped mask in a