Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Friday criticised the Congress for handling the harassment allegations levelled by the state unit Youth Congress chief Angkita Dutta against the national president of party s youth wing, Srinivas B.V., in an improper way.
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Friday criticised the Congress for handling the harassment allegations levelled by the state unit Youth Congress chief Angkita Dutta against the national president of party's youth wing, Srinivas .
Delhi HC to politicos: Surrender medicines to DGHC
May 17, 2021
Political leaders have no business to hoard stocks of these medicines. We expect them to surrender to DGHS which will then distribute it to the poor and needy people at government hospitals, Said the court
The Delhi High Court on Monday took exception to politicians and legislators hoarding Covid-19 medicines and asked them to surrender the stocks to the Director General of Health Services (DGHS).
“Political leaders have no business to hoard stocks of Covid-19 medicines that are already in shortage and they are expected to surrender these drugs, said a division bench comprising Justices Vipin Sanghi and Jasmeet Singh who are hearing a PIL seeking lodging of an FIR on the allegations that politicians are able to procure in huge quantity and distribute Covid-19 medicines even as patients were running from pillar to post to get them. The bench also expressed dissatisfaction over a “vague and whitewashed enquiry�