Muskan Khan, a college student in Karnataka state, told DW that she is not afraid of the Hindu right-wing activists who want to enforce a veil ban in educational institutes. The row has now spread across the country.
Farmer organizations to observe Women Farmer’s day on January 18
By Fatima Hasan| Published: 15th January 2021 7:20 pm IST New Delhi: Women belonging to Muslim community from Punjab s Malerkotla join farmers protest against Centre s farm reform laws at Tikri border, in New Delhi, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021. (PTI Photo)
Several women farmer organizations’ in the country have joined hands with Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) in its national call of Mahila Kisan Divas (women farmers day) and decided to observe January 18 as Women Farmer’ Day.
This is very likely to intensify the ongoing farmers protest at Delhi. Usually October 15 is celebrated as Women Farmers’ Day every year across the country