“The quantity of 8,606 MTRV raw cane sugar to be exported to USA under TRQ scheme from October 1, 2023-to September 9, 2024 has been notified,” the DGFT said, adding that the quota will be operated by Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).
The final decision on allowing sugar exports from India during the upcoming sugar season which starts from October 1 will be taken after mid October, said people aware of the matter.
Will India ban the export of Sugar. The fears on the export ban also comes at a time when the country’s food inflation has risen to 4.49 percent in June
The Centre is planning to ban the exports of sugar amid a fall in production, as per a media report. The output, which was hit by unseasonal rainfall, is expected to touch 32.8 million tonnes in the 2022-2023 marketing year, 3.5 per cent lower than the earlier forecast