Apple Inc is in talks with suppliers to make MacBooks in Thailand as part of the company's ongoing efforts to expand its manufacturing presence beyond China, Nikkei reported on Thursday.
Germany has approved Poland's request to export five old MiG-29 fighter jets to bolster Ukraine's air power against the Russian invasion, the German defence ministry said on Thursday.
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni chose unity over getting her way when she realised that imposing her own candidates to lead state-controlled companies on her coalition partners would threaten government stability, politicians said.
China is highly concerned about Japan's plan to put export curbs on 23 types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, Wang Shouwen, a Chinese vice commerce minister, said.
Airlines and aircraft repair shops in North America are increasingly relying on used and generic parts to keep jets flying, a symptom of the rising costs and supply-chain shortages plaguing the aerospace industry.