Eris Lifesciences Limited reappoints MD and Whole-Time Director
Posted On: 2021-04-01 03:01:53 (Time Zone: Arizona, USA)
Based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and their own consideration, the Board of Directors of Eris Lifesciences Limited at their meeting held on 31st March 2021 has approved the re-appointment of Mr. Amit Bakshi (DIN: 01250925) as a Managing Director of the Company for a further period of five (5) years with effect from April 1st 2021, subject to the approval of the shareholders, in the usual course.
The board also approved the re-appointment of Mr. Inderjeet Singh Negi (DIN: 01255388) as a Whole-Time Director of the Company for a further period of five (5) years with effect from April 1st 2021, subject to the approval of the shareholders, in the usual course.