Highlights: High grade gold in rock chip samples from Parisian Target Area including one sample of 11.75g/t gold. Two zones have so far been detected from assay results. Parisian Target only 900m along strike from historical Pilot Mine. Historical. - Veroeffentlicht am 12.05.2023
Altan Rio Minerals Ltd. is pleased to announce the findings of its rock chip sampling program carried out on its Southern Cross tenements. The program focused along strike of a known gold deposit, on an area of interest around the Parisian workings.. - Veroeffentlicht am 12.04.2023
Altan's 2022 program has commenced at Pilot with 11 holes to be completed for approx. 2500 metres and is expected to be completed over the next 2 weeks with assay results to followPhase 4 RC drilling