Fersons instructions to lewis was to send to washington the chiefs of tribes. They encountered seven chiefs. Chiefs were greeted in washington by jefferson on january four, 1806. His indians seen here was delivered by him. That day and signed by him. It is one of the most memorable western documents. It is easy to read it cynically but think jefferson was being hopeful yet paternalistic. It was his version of his American Dream. We all know that within two american nightmare. Jefferson addressed my friends and. We are now your fathers. I. The desire of becoming a with you. All my children. Be on theand you are naming them with us as we have done those on side of that river in the friendship. I wish to learn what we could to benefit them, furnishing them the necessary as theyant in exchange for their furs. I sent beloved cat man captain lewis to get acquainted with all the indian us what what way could be useful to them. In establishing a we to make no profit. We shall ask what everythi
The here link is nearly three hours. [background noises] [background noises] the hearing of the Senate Appropriations committee will please come to order. We are here today to discuss the u. S. china relationship the investments we need to keep our nation secure, competitive and maintain our leadership on the stage. Let me make clear from the outset we talked about competing against china encountering chinese influence we are talking about competing against its governments. Not the Chinese People are the millions of Chinese Americans to help make our country great. Im glad to have a secretary austin, blinken and were mondo here to discuss the all of government approach we need to meet this challenge. And this is our First Full Committee Hearing i do want to thank vice chair collins as well as her chairs and Ranking Member chester, kuhn and moran for working with us on this topic that i know every one of our members cares about. Like to thank all of my colleagues for their work in the r
The here link is nearly three hours. [background noises] [background noises] the hearing of the Senate Appropriations committee will please come to order. We are here today to discuss the u. S. china relationship the investments we need to keep our nation secure, competitive and maintain our leadership on the stage. Let me make clear from the outset we talked about competing against china encountering chinese influence we are talking about competing against its governments. Not the Chinese People are the millions of Chinese Americans to help make our country great. Im glad to have a secretary austin, blinken and were mondo here to discuss the all of government approach we need to meet this challenge. And this is our First Full Committee Hearing i do want to thank vice chair collins as well as her chairs and Ranking Member chester, kuhn and moran for working with us on this topic that i know every one of our members cares about. Like to thank all of my colleagues for their work in the r
The here link is nearly three hours. [background noises] [background noises] the hearing of the Senate Appropriations committee will please come to order. We are here today to discuss the u. S. china relationship the investments we need to keep our nation secure, competitive and maintain our leadership on the stage. Let me make clear from the outset we talked about competing against china encountering chinese influence we are talking about competing against its governments. Not the Chinese People are the millions of Chinese Americans to help make our country great. Im glad to have a secretary austin, blinken and were mondo here to discuss the all of government approach we need to meet this challenge. And this is our First Full Committee Hearing i do want to thank vice chair collins as well as her chairs and Ranking Member chester, kuhn and moran for working with us on this topic that i know every one of our members cares about. Like to thank all of my colleagues for their work in the r
The here link is nearly three hours. [background noises] [background noises] the hearing of the Senate Appropriations committee will please come to order. We are here today to discuss the u. S. china relationship the investments we need to keep our nation secure, competitive and maintain our leadership on the stage. Let me make clear from the outset we talked about competing against china encountering chinese influence we are talking about competing against its governments. Not the Chinese People are the millions of Chinese Americans to help make our country great. Im glad to have a secretary austin, blinken and were mondo here to discuss the all of government approach we need to meet this challenge. And this is our First Full Committee Hearing i do want to thank vice chair collins as well as her chairs and Ranking Member chester, kuhn and moran for working with us on this topic that i know every one of our members cares about. Like to thank all of my colleagues for their work in the r