when i was very, very young. that took me to the white house under the first president bush. i got to perform as buddy holly there for the joint chiefs of staff. so this is kind of a splendid bookend to that. [laughter] i m not saying i m all the way at the end of my career, but it s been a few years. that was the early 90s, so this is kind of beautiful in the way these things come together. mike: charles, grateful for your time. i know you re going to be great. we look forward to the show. thank you so much, i appreciate it. mike: have a wonderful independence day. that is all for this hour of fox news live. fox news sunday with shannon bream is up next. i m mike emmanuel, thank you for watching. is have a wonderful independence day holiday and god bless america. ide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. everyone: woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins
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