EXPLAINER: Mayor Mike gives clue on Digong s most likely bet: It s Bongbong. Although the president teases BBM, other wannabes on cocaine use, most corrupt tag.
CEBU Bzzzzz: Grabe kahugaw ning politika, Councilor Mabatid gripes. Di na nako kaya, listing her grievances. Kusug, aside from Panaghiusa, to be activated for 2022 elections.
CEBU. (From left) Cebu City Councilor Niña Mabatid, former councilor Joey Daluz and Vice Mayor Mike Rama. (SunStar File)
SHOULD she get out of politics, unsa man cge pa ako ani?
Prisca Niña Mabatid could be just teasing in her Monday, March 8, Facebook post, in a daughter-mother dialogue, with her as daughter pouring out her woes as an elected official. Or she could be serious, as most of the facts fit in and there is no hint of a satire, the hashtag summing up her state of mind thus, #sad truth. She might be using the threat to get what she wants.