were sent, many of them to hisma son, who allegedly forward them to his overseas business partners. look, i think the impeachment of joe biden seems increasingd r inevitable, and there s more than enough evidence to justify m his miranda indicated the burisma scam alondicated,e falls squarely unr the bribery statute of using usi your publingc office to confer a benefit in exchange for money to your son and family. you know, these newly revealed documents actually corroborate viktor shokin statements that, you knowacroboratetor, joe and e knee deep in bribery, engineered his firing to end the investigation of burisma, which was paying hunter,ring $1,000,000 a year, a staggering sum. i mean, shokin was actually in the process of seizing the ceo s assets. he was going to shut downth the company. so burisma pressured hunter to pressure his father to get rid of shokin.n and