Home Office Offers Better Management and Productivity
The Woman Post | Ana Suárez
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Communicating through screens and clicking became part of the routines that perhaps were only experienced in the office.But.For more than a year, hundreds of workers, hand in hand with technological tools, migrated towards this trend called Home Office.
It s not just about adapting to certain conditions; it s not about being accountable 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These practices, which many of us have faced for a year.They are not new, only that, this time due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, they became necessary.
Everyone Needs One Untouchable Day
Getting away from all distractions can significantly help you to improve your productivity and boost your mood.
The Woman Post | Carolina Rodríguez Monclou
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According to the Canadian author and entrepreneur Neil Pasricha, we spend 31% of our day in our brains bookmarking, prioritizing and switching.
What does it mean? That when you get a text, a notification, someone calls you up, or people tap you on the shoulder, they interrupt you. Your brain is busy always deciding which piece of information is more important. In fact, you re spending 30% of your day doing that.