and other things. the irs doesn t care to check. it s not their money, they are just giving away your money, so they don t want to see the check. tucker: can i get a fake passport now?? put in any old number, checks are coming in, they sent one woman in arlington like $10 million in taxpayer money. she filed like 170 different tax returns under different fake names and social security numbers on behalf of people working illegally. let s be honest, immigration is about income transfer. businesses make the money, subsidize labor, wages are driven down. a lot of powerful interests fight for the transfer program. it s costing us taxpayers billions and billions of dollars. we can fix this. we are working to fix this, and we have some of it in the hospital. t how to make it stick in the senate, anybody s guess.we tucker: this is not what people voted republican, to see this happen. thank you. u.s. army according today ans
rollback what the obama administration did, they required securid, the real i.d. and other things. the irs doesn t care to check. it s not their money, they are just giving away your money, so they don t want to see the check. tucker: can i get a fake passport now? put in any old number, checks are coming in, they sent one woman in arlington like $10 million in taxpayer money. she filed like 170 different tax returns under different fake names and social security numbers on behalf of people working illegally. let s be honest, immigration is about income transfer. businesses make the money, subsidize labor, wages are driven down. a lot of powerful interests fight for the transfer program. it s costing us taxpayers billions and billions of dollars. we can fix this. we are working to fix this, and we have some of it in the hospital. how to make it stick in the senate, anybody s guess. tucker: this is not what people voted republican, to see this happen.
pennsylvania, but what s the political calculous here on the other side of this argument? well, look, higher minimum wage is basically an income transfer for business owners to their employees. there s not much you can do in an election year to tackle income and equality which isn t an issue for democrats and you can say you can raise minimum wage which is much more popular. the politics of it are that the republicans have more here, it is more white and more male. younger people who are more likely to earn the minimum wage, people of color and it s a way of changing who will come out to vote. one of the things we keep hearing, amanda, is that the republicans say they need to broaden their base and paul waldman in the washington post frames this fight as taking on the feel what he calls an economic culture war. so if they are serious about
federal government pass a massive health care bill that will actually encourage people to work less. let s have the federal government go out and push a minimum wage up from $7 to $10 which the cbo says, well, actually not steal from rich corporations but will steal from other poor people and may lift 900,000 people out of poverty, but, at the same time, may also put anywhere from 500 to a million people out of work. it s an income transfer from the poor to the poor. some of us believe that. you may not believe that. maybe harry reid really did believe that george w. bush was a liar and a war criminal and he went out and he said it. and so i wouldn t make a big deal. we are making a big deal about this. let s face it because he is a conservative that doesn t agree with most people in the mainstream media. i m not making a big deal of it. i said it was very rookie. i don t think it was. even if i disagreed with them and said we still disagree on core issues here how to revive