supported alex accosta, knows alex as well also, who are very engaged in issues and have been leading and have been vocal on issues like sexual trafficking. well, if you are vocal on sexual trafficking this was allegedly. if you want to prove you are against sexual trafficking, then you have to take this up. because molesting 13-year-olds or 14-year-olds is sexual trafficking. you know what this guy epstein said? he said the one that he pled to, he said was a prostitute. a 14-year-old prostitute. well, i ve got news for you. a 14-year-old cannot be a prostitute because if you don t have the legal age to consent, you cannot be a prostitute. it was sexual trafficking. and what happened to these women is a crime. it s immoral. it is income presenceable. alex accosta needs to explain. republican senators need to demand that he explain. i am grateful to ben sass who has asked for d.o.j. investigation of itself in this case, and it cannot be let go.
don t say it is private property. reporter: the president has called the incident income presenceable. the frat was supposed to be a dry fraternity. a result of a suspension eight years ago. this was an alcohol free hazing free fraternity with an adult athletic trainer in the house. years of parties documented on the tapes. nobody paid attention to anything. i blame all of them. you referenced tapes. there were security cameras in the house? yes. and an adult sleeping upstairs? was he sleeping? who knows. you called for him to be fired. several times. why is that? because he had to know that there were illegal parties going in that house for years that he lived there. he never said a word to anybody. he has a responsibility as adult