and retired chemist named gerald hurst. hurst starts his investigation by examining the state s strongest evidence, the so-called pour patterns. without those patterns on the floor, no case would have ever been developed. based on the new science, there is a different explanation for the patterns the investigators found. it is not arson. what occurred between 1987 when he was tried and convicted and 2004 was a development in the science of arson. where suddenly, the pour patterns could be explained. as this fire investigation experiment demonstrates, accidental fires sometimes behave in ways that could lead fire investigators to believe arson is involved. over the course of several minutes, this fire reaches temperatures so hot that it begins to burn down. radiation goes in all directions. including down. and when the temperature of that hot gas layer gets to about 1100
minutes, this fire reaches temperatures so hot that it begins to burn down. radiation goes in all directions. including down. and when the temperature of that hot gas layer gets to about 1100 to 1200 degrees fahrenheit, it s got enough energy to ignite everything below it. every exposed surface catches on fire. the aftermath of a fire like this will often leave behind irregular burn patterns on the floor of a structure, much like the ones investigators found in the willis fire. you will find patterns in the room that look like you would imagine a floor and lower walls would look if they had been exposed to the fire from a liquid accelerant such as gasoline which had been poured. this phenomenon is known as flashover. it is called flashover because the fire gets so hot that it literally rolls over engulfing the entire room in flames. this is the moment that flashover occurs.