truckloads of bootleg and counterfit gear down to haiti. it s about $10 million worth of duds confiscated by police. great idea. instead of incineration donation. but there s one catch. all the logos have to be ripped off the clothes first. finally, airplanes airborne. six days after a cloud of volcanic ash swept over much of europe, we re talking about 21,000 flights getting up in the air. that s about 75% back up to speed. the air restrictions canceled about 100,000 flights and cost the airline industry more than $1.7 billion. airline industry isn t the only one that s suffered due to flight cancellations. farmers and others who export goods to europe took a financial hit, too, and so did business owners stuck with empty store shelves. zain verjee shows us how the ash over europe is being felt all the way to kenya. reporter: kenyan exporters are getting desperate. they continue to look for alternative routes to europe for their fresh vegetables and