Car sharing. So in other words, no mention of making it compulsory. In the final one here, this is insulation. Rishi sunak says we are stopping insulation upgrades. The Prime Minister has said that homeowners and landlords will no longer have to upgrade homes to an Energy Performance certificate grade c by Energy Performance certificate grade c by 2035. Energy performance certificate grade c by 2035. Flannels have welcomed their say that they wont have to pay for expensive upgrades, but bodies representing tenants a rep and his will have to pay much more in energy bills if they live in poorly insulative properties. What can we say having seen all of this . The Prime Minister says that he has blocked things that will help families up and down the country. A lot of things he has blocked has come from the Climate Change committee and just a quick reminder, its an independent body. It was set p its an independent body. It was set up 15 years ago to give advice to the government on Climate
Remuneration report 2023 On behalf of the Board of Directors, Alligo AB presents the remuneration report for the financial year 2023. The report describes how.
The shareholders of OX2 AB , 556675-7497, are hereby summoned to the annual general meeting on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 10:00 at Brygghuset, Norrtullsgatan 12 N, SE-113 27 Stockholm, Sweden. Entry and.
The shareholders of Genova Property Group AB , reg. no. 556864-8116, are hereby given notice of the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday 2 May 2024 at 10.00 a.m. at Gernandt & Danielsson.