school. at his churctoh in his beloved hometown in georgia, a person of faith, president carter said he is ready. jonathan is joining us live from georgia with more on former president carter sme people condition. jonathan. the carter center saysca that formertr president is moving to home hospice care with support of his family and medical team.s higrs grandson, jason, a former georgia state senatorfull tweeted. and the spokesperson for the secret service tweeted:be back in 2015, mr. carter had treatment of for m melanoma that spread to his liver and brain. he responded well to treatment at the time, and was able to resume histr active schedule. that included international travel, the work on habitatavel for humanity buildingnt projects, anind he continuedh to work through his nonprofit high fou s wife ind with hi 19 82, providing election monitoring services andlo promoting globalba health initiatives, they helped to reduce the number of guineaa worm infections from 3
we ve taken against the chinese. response would be freedom of navigation and operations in east china sea a and south china sea and haver destroysers and cruisers drive by their hand ml co man-made islands they have inbut the. we need tob to fly a flballoon over china, do you think they would let our balloon linger and collect intelligent for a week, they would shoot that down right away, we have to show theto chinese we re tougher and better than they think we are, they must have such a low opinion of us now, doing this thing like this, the ford battery plant, let ford and tax taxpayers of