Know that there are several factors that have played a role. When we talk about wildfires, we tended to talk about wildfires, we tended to talk about wildfires, we tended to talk about three ingredients. We do know when it comes to whether, in hawaii, strong womens have fans the flames. Strong winds. Its red area represents severe drought in the structure and the orange areas moderate drought. They represent 14 of the state. These larger yellow areas are abnormally dry conditions. This sucks the moisture out of vegetation, which means in turn, these areas are more likely to catch fire. On top of all of this, scientists have recorded 90 less rainfall than a century ago. When you talk about a spark in fuel, scientists have also said that some parts of hawaii have grasses that are not native to the state and are far more flammable than some of the native plants they are. Couple that with those dry conditions, and it means those area are more likely to catch fire and spread. Hawaiis govern
last entry tell us more. inaudible last entry in tell us more. inaudible last entry in the - tell us more. inaudible | last entry in the mid-905, tell us more. inaudible - last entry in the mid-905, on my last entry in the mid 90s, on my first attempt, there wasn t a big team like there is now. on my first attempt, came across. hoping to come across two primers and came across one that had slipped off and his mate was about to do the same. but we turned around and helped him down. to be fair, we could help him down. to be fair, we could help him down. it took us about three days to get to the base camp. he suffered frostbite down and scandinavia. the weather window had closed. it was lucky that we were there and walking. sadly, mohammed recently wasn t walking wounded and there isn t much you can do to someone