Since its founding in 1900, the Manila Bulletin has been a chronicler of the events and developments that shape our country’s history.
Manila Bulletin’s commitment to responsible, fair, and balanced news reporting is one of its many valuable contributions in nation-building. Indeed,
Former Speaker of the House
The “Four Way Test,” of what we Rotarians think, say, or do in the Rotary Creed include the following:
First: “Is it the Truth?” Second: “Is it Fair to All Concerned?” Third: “Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendship?” Fourth: “Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?”
In our country today there are 931 Rotary clubs and 26,275 members, who are occasional sources of support for community service projects throughout the Philippines.
Throughout the world there are some 35,000 Rotary clubs and 1,177,137 members, advancing one basic ideal, the “Ideal of Service.” To us, Manila Rotary Club’s (RCM) most valuable declaration made in earlier days was: