i don t know what this is, but it s good. food in this country is excellent. i m no stranger to this place. generally speaking, it s a particularly vibrant mix of spanish, european, afro-caribbean, and indigenous people. these are deep waters, my friend. no news story or episode of miami vice has ever come close to navigating. it is and always has been a fiercely, fiercely proud country, and its people yearn to see international coverage of something other than cocaine and violence, but that isn t a legacy that s easy to ignore. its decades of civil unrest have left vast swaths of colombia relatively unknown, even to its citizens. to reach a place previously considered a no-go area, i ll fly out of an airport of in villavicencio 45 miles southeast of the capital bogota. on first inspection, this is an airplane bone yard. where unwanted props from romancing the stone corroded artfully. but in reality, this sleepy hangar is an important gateway to the more impenetrable parts of the
its decades of civil unrest have left vast swaths of colombia relatively unknown, even to its citizens. to reach a place previously considered a no-go area, i ll fly out of an airport of in villavicencio 45 miles southeast of the capital bogota. on first inspection, this is an airplane bone yard. where unwanted props from romancing the stone corroded artfully. but in reality, this sleepy hangar is an important gateway to the more impenetrable parts of the country. the remote settlements in the amazon basin are cut off from the country, with neither rail nor roads connecting them. there are only two ways in, either boat for several days down river, or aboard a jungle bus, which is what locals call
something other than cocaine and violence, but that isn t a legacy that s easy to ignore. its decades of civil unrest have left vast swaths of colombia relatively unknown, even to its own citizens. to reach a place previously considered a no-go area, i ll fly out of an airport of in villavicencio, 45 miles southeast of the capital of bogota. on first inspection, this is an airplane bone yard. where unwanted props from romancing the stone corrode artfully. but in reality, this sleepy hangar is an important gateway to the more impenetrable parts of the country. the remote settlements in the amazon basin are cut off from the country, with neither rail nor roads connecting them. there are only two ways in, either boat for several days downriver, or aboard a jungle
legacy that s easy to ignore. its decades of civil unrest have left vast swaths of colombia relatively unknown, even to its citizens. to reach a place previously considered a no-go area, i ll fly out of an airport of in villavicencio 45 miles southeast of the capital bogota. on first inspection, this is an airplane bone yard. where unwanted props from romancing the stone corroded artfully. but in reality, this sleepy hangar is an important gateway to the more impenetrable parts of the country. the remote settlements in the amazon basin are cut off from the country, with neither rail nor roads connecting them. there are only two ways in, either boat for several days
something other than cocaine and violence, but that isn t a legacy that s easy to ignore. its decades of civil unrest have left vast swaths of colombia relatively unknown, even to its citizens. to reach a place previously considered a no-go area, i ll fly out of an airport of in villavicencio outside of bogata. on first inspection, this is an airplane bone yard. where unwanted props from rho manding the stone corod artfully. but in reality, this sleepy hangar is an important gateway to the more impenetrable parts of the country. the remote settlements in the amazon basin are cut off from the country, with neither rail nor roads connecting them. there are only two ways in, either boat for several days downriver, or aboard a jungle