since december the 27th. the additional rules on social distancing in hospitality have gone so, for example, you can now go up to the bar and buy a drink again, it is no longer about table service in pubs and the rules which had limited the number of customers in some bars and restaurants have now gone. lastly, the rules on indoor events are now eased again, so there is no limit to the number of people you can have at indoor events, that s got a big implication for concerts, theatres, cinemas, indeed, one of the big events to benefit from this easing is the celtic connections music festival in glasgow, it s one of the big winter music events in the city. the first few days of the festival had been curtailed by these additional rules but from today it will seem much more like normal. new details have emerged about the liverpool bomber who died when his device exploded outside a hospital in the city last november. a previously confidential asylum