then he said this. that s part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy. my social security, payroll contribution will go up, as will donald s, assuming he can t figure out how to get out of it. but what we want to do so to replenish such a nasty woman. it was that, you re such a nasty woman where i d like to begin. joining me to talk about this, two women who know donald trump very, very well, laura trump is his daughter-in-law, she s married to eric trump and lynn patton is vice president of the eric trump foundation so, ladies, first and foremost, i know you re functioning on zero sleep so appreciate you being here today. thank you. laura, let me begin with you. he s under fire for saying you re a nasty woman. democrats are pouncing on it. you heard it. how did it sound to you? look, donald trump is an equal opportunity offender. my sister-in-lawsister-in-law i