all by yourself. or let healthmarkets help make it easier to find the right plan for you. call now or visit ( ) sandra: really interesting exchange with our own edward lawrence and karine jean-pierre, and the economy and the way american people are feeling things are affordable, her acknowledgment things are unaffordable and what the president is doing to bring down the prices, and why is the president not driving around an electric vehicle. will the beast be electric. you are talking about the omb director, having conversations with members on the hill, talking about, you know, ola, office of leg affairs, shawanza, who runs that, the president s senior advisers, a lot of people involved and all of those folks have the trust in the president to get this done and to do these negotiations. remember, we have done negotiations multiple times here and have gotten things done for the american people and many times in a bipartisan way. so, that s what s import