williams and quisenberry would stand trial for the murder of earon and attempted murder for erica. eye for an eye, the death penalty hung over both of them. coming up, an emotional trial, and the little girl who not only survived, but thrived. they call you the miracle baby. miracle baby. why do they call you that? when against all odds continues. in my line of work, i come face-to-face with a lot of behinds. so i know there s a big need for new gas-x maximum strength. it relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort fast. so no one needs to know you ve got gas. gas-x.
after i heard the gunshot, i ran in to see what was going on. what room were you in when that happened? what room? i was in the back room. that was music to my ears. rick had him right where he wanted, inside the house. and none too soon. you got an attorney now. an attorney who immediately stopped the interview. just under the wire and just in the knick of time. detective arnold placed williams and quisenberry under arrest and then he wasted no time making the one phone call he had waited 15 months to make, to erica s grandmother. i literally got done making the bathroom and made that phone call from the bathroom. what was it like, making that phone call? it was an echo, because it was in the bathroom but i promised judy harper that i would get the suspects and now we had them. what did you think? just relieved. i had confidence they would find them sooner or later because they couldn t get away with it it forever.
i think people still wonder how she survived. i still wonder how she survived. louisville and erica s family were still consumed by two questions at the heart of it all. who could commit such a horrifying crime and would the shooter ever be caught? but judith harper had faith all along that justice would be done. most of all, faith in detective arnold. after all, the promise he made to solve the case was to her. he is going to see that these people are found. if it had just been earon, it would have been just maybe another death. but since erica was involved in that, he wasn t going to let up on it. judith didn t know it yet but down at police headquarters, detective arnold was close to getting answers from the men he had been pursuing since their starring roles in the walgreens video. james quisenberry, the family friend who made the last phone call to earon, and kenneth
visiting earon that day but insisted he left before anyone was shot. rick sensed that his story and quisenberry were crumbling so he demanded that he come clean, and it worked. i saw him go in there and i was behind him and pow, pow, pow, i heard more gunshots. he saying he was in that house was critical. detective arnold now had admission number one. the interview nearly over, quisenberry had a request, one of the strangest rick had ever heard. i know this is hard to ask police this [ bleep ] i need to smoke a blunt. a king-sized marijuana joint. we can t do that. now it was time to interrogate williams. he proved to be a tougher nut to crack. first impression?
and i was just afraid that i would mess everything up. it was an emotional trial. co-prosecutor mark baker, with two young daughters himself, cried in his opening statement. once you determine there s still life in that little body, you can imagine what the officers did there at the scene. prosecutors maintain that the defendants came to steal earon s pills and money but then williams changed the plan after earon fought back, according to key witness, rashaun turner. he told me he snatched the purse from her but she wouldn t let go of her purse. he shot her. his testimony helped fill in another piece of the puzzle, why quisenberry and williams were in the house that night. after earon became too ill to work, she found a way to supplement her income, by selling her prescription pills. she had invited quisenberry to purchase pills before, but this