Article - Kings III Survey Reveals Gaps in Building Emergency Communications Plans - By Allie Ludlum - A recent survey of property management professionals revealed that while more than 60 percent of respondents were aware that telecom companies are phasing out POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service, also known as analog copper land lines), nearly half reported their elevator emergency communication systems are still based on this endangered technology.
or was a security officer, at mandalay resorts. tucker: is he licensed by the state?y how does that work? no, security officers that work directly for our company, in-house security, they do not have to be licensed. they don t have to have guard cards, security cards. if they work for a contract agency, then, yes, they do. tucker: okay, we tried to get an answer from the clark county sheriff yesterday and he wouldn t reveal that. you were aware that mr. camposui went to mexico shortly after the shooting, correct? yes, i was.t tucker: and what was the purpose of that trip? do you know? he told me directly. that was a preplanned trip. he had planned to go visit family, and after the shooting, he was still capable of doing that, so he went ahead and made that trip on the weekend. i spoke with the local officers. i was actually going to fly in on that weekend, and because mr. campos was going to be
jesus is a security officer,w or was a security officer, at mandalay resorts. tucker: is he licensed by the state?y how does that work? no, security officers that work directly for our company, in-house security, they do not have to be licensed. they don t have to have guard cards, security cards. if they work for a contract agency, then, yes, they do. tucker: okay, we tried to get an answer from the clark county sheriff yesterday and he wouldn t reveal that. you were aware that mr. camposui went to mexico shortly after the shooting, correct? yes, i was.t tucker: and what was the purpose of that trip? do you know? he told me directly. that was a preplanned trip. he had planned to go visit family, and after the shooting, he was still capable of doing that, so he went ahead and made that trip on the weekend. i spoke with the local officers. i was actually going to fly in on that weekend, and because
jesus is a security officer, or was a security officer, at mandalay resorts. tucker: is a licensed by the state? how does that work? no, security officers that work directly for our company, in-house security, they do not have to be licensed. they don t have to have guard cards, security cards. if they work for a contract agency, then, yes, they do. tucker: we tried to get an answer from the clark county sheriff yesterday and he wouldn t reveal that. you were aware that mr. campos went to mexico shortly after the shooting, correct? yes, i was. tucker: and what was the purpose of that trip? do you know? he told me directly that was a preplanned trip. he had planned to go visit family, and after the shooting, he was still capable of doing that, so he went ahead and made that trip on the weekend. i spoke with the local officers.