reporter: bill, good morning. the pentagon said this morning secretary carter is infrequent user of email. prefers to transact business in person or secure phone. he exchanged emails only with tight circle of staff. in that interview with cbs news in erbil, iraq, carter acknowledged that he was warned by lots of people along the way but he persisted in a is mistake. when the new york times broke the story the pent to dispel concerns of miss handing of classified information. peter cook, said of his boss, quote, any email received this personal account invitation to speak at event or administrative issue is copied for forwarded to his official account so it can be preserved as federal record as appropriate. secretary carter does not use his personal email or official email for classified material. the secretary has a secure communications team that handles his classified information and provides it to him as necessary. memoranda are provided to him in
learn about what was hit inside raqqah, but symbolic move here by france which may have had impact against isis. thanks to nick paton walsh in erbil. fighter jets hitting inside areas in raqqah. we are awaiting new word and information on the raids and investigation overnight here in paris. while that is going on, president obama is meeting with world leaders in turkey. the g-20 summit right now. the discussion was about a number of issues, but now very much focused on battling isis. our live team coverage continues next.
have just in to cnn. this is french jet fighters taking off as they head towards raqqa. they took off from the united arab emirates and destroyed all targets they were going for. it s unclear what the terms may mean. raqqa has been bombarded by coalition air strikes for a long time now. those are the terms they are sharing with us tonight. it is two days after the terrific coordinated attacks across paris in which 129 innocent civilians were slaugt ired and 352 others wounded. many still fighting for their lives in the most serious condition tonight here in paris. i want to get to our senior international correspondent nick paton walsh in erbil and major general james marx.
presidential exploratory committee. yesterday i saw a tweet that said that russia now has more boots on the ground in syria and iraq in the fight against isis than does the united states of america. it seems to me that we re leading from behind and from behind vladimir putin. doesn t seem like a safe thing to do. what s your reaction? i think the problem is we don t have a comprehensive strategy. when this war started august of 2014, two very limited purposes. protect u.s. consulate in erbil. we saw isis go to a presence in afghanistan, yemen, somalia. we recently dispatched troops to cameroon to counter boko haram. so this is a threat that s mutating. we spent nearly $5 billion.
raqqah in syria, and down to the northern part of baghdad. that s their state, what they see as the beginning of a new islamic caliphate and expect the state will be at war with the west and nonmuslim believers perhaps indefinitely. mitchell joining us in erbil, iraq. thanks so much mitchell. appreciate it. my pleasure. a quick programming note. you re not going to want to miss this. blindsided: how isis shook the world. a fareed zakaria special report tonight 7:00 p.m. eastern and pacific only right here on cnn. a frightening claim from a known hacker. according to a federal affidavit, chris roberts told agents at the fbi he s hacked into as many as 20 commercial airline flights in mid-flight while they are flying with passengers on board. he says he even forced one of the planes to climb, and that resulted in the aircraft he says moving laterally. let s go to someone who has