today. so that is hard for me to stomach. it might be, yesterday i woke up second 11, i don t know if that s the raiders had lyric that recorded. i don t know what to say. i honestly there is not a wacky or a group of people than these that people, and they re moving around assets in a really unusual way. elon is on the hook for a lot of money, you started the business, stephanie, you know this means. these, banks and these loans. he s gotta make, good or i don t know what s. i honestly don t know what, actually. let s go to the white, this thing isn t a done deal. jake, talk to us about the hurdles he still needs to go through. we are months away. people are going, oh my god, trump is gonna be on twitter tomorrow. no, this is not a done deal. no, that s right. it has to go through, certainly, the regulatory hurdles. there s no indication that anyone in the federal level is gonna give it away, because