It was found that storm waterlines were emitting sewage water, garbage dumped in the middle of choe, and concrete garbage was dumped at both the sides of choe from village Kishangarh up to the rear side of Sector 47.
Thanks to the apathy of the Chandigarh Administration as it failed to adhere to the repeated guidelines of National Green Tribunal (NGT) that the untreated water should not enter at any cost in any seasonal streams passing through the city and finally immersed into the Ghaggar river.
The municipal corporation has started laying a storm water drainage system in Chandigarh to strengthen the system in low-lying areas. The work is expected to be completed in 6 months at a cost of ₹4.17 crore.
Several trees were axed for the first green corridor that is being developed by Chandigarh administration along the N Choe near SDM office at Sector 42.