Popular small-screen actors, Ziaul Faruq Apurba, Tausif Mahbub and Tania Bristi collaborated together in a new family drama titled, "Kacher Manush". The drama is written and directed by Imraul Rafat.
Eid is a time for joy and celebration. While the best use of this time is undoubtedly to go out and meet your family, another long-standing tradition is to watch your favorite stars work their magic on-screen. We present to you our picks for the best films and OTT projects you can watch this year.
Musician Partha Barua and actor Aparna Ghose starrer "Made in Chittagong" is now all set to release in the US. The film will be released in 51 theaters in 21 states, including New York, Jamaica on February 10.
Partha Barua in Made in Chittagong, has already created buzz on social media with its peppy romantic track Pet Furedde, becoming viral all-over social media.